woensdag 18 juli 2012


Dear Dear blog friends. As you might already have noticed, I have not yet responded on your dear comments. That is not to say that I am not happy with your comments. On The Contrary. They do me quite well. The reason is that I currently am sick and have a lot of pain. I have a bacteria in my jaw that drives my crazy. Thereby missing the sense to me to sit behind the computer. I try occasionally to place a message at your beautiful paintings. I want you guys to this thank you very much for your dear comments I very appreciate.
I would also like to Madhavi Reddy, Erica Borodina and Magdalena P. welcome on my blog. It's always nice to see new faces. I hope soon to be present to itself again, painting and enjoy everything!

23 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Renate I'm so sorry! A pain in an area so close to the brain is also difficult to manage! Painkillers not always work as we want! I wish this ends soon and you can smile without pain!Hugs!Rita.

  2. I am so sorry you are ill. I am a new viewer to your blog after you made a comment on mine. I love what you're doing so hope you are well and back painting again soon.

  3. bon retablissement Renate.je t'envoie plein de pensées positives pour t'aider à retrouver la santé.bises

  4. Renate, I am so sorry about your pain! Have you seen a doctor? Are you taking antibiotics?

  5. Just relax and get well soon. The blog world will still be here for you when you return!

  6. Estimada Renate. Espero que te restablezcas muy pronto y podamos contar con tus cariñosos comentarios y bellas pinturas. Un abrazo. Sonia.

  7. I'm sorry to hear that you are ill and in pain! I wish you a speedy recovery dear friend.A hug from me too.

  8. I whish you heal quickly and I hope you don't suffer too. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts.

  9. oh renate das tut mir aber leid, alles was mund, nase, ohren und hals betrifft ist schrecklich und mit sehr viel schmerzen verbunden....du arme, ich kann mir vorstellen, dass dies eine schreckliche zeit ist. ich wünsche dir sehr rasche genesung und denke daran alles wird gut und wir alle fruen uns, wenn du wieder gesund und munter unsere bilder kommentierst........
    alles liebe und gute

  10. Renate, I'm really sorry to read that you do not feel well. I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope to see you soon on the blog. In any case take it easy, the most important thing is to heal well. A big hug!!

  11. Renate, I'm so sorry your not well.. Don't apologize for not coming around some,, we will come to you !! thanks for all your nice comments on my blog.. You really don't know how much I'm motivated and inspired by them.. You asked about a challenge. "just add water"?
    No , I didn't know about that..
    hugs, get well soon.. BJ

  12. Querida Renate, mejorate pronto y no te preocupes del blog en estos momentos, nosotros seguiremos visitandote cuando te recuperes y vuelvas a la carga con mucha inspiración!! animo!! un abrazo grande

  13. I hope you are feeling a bit better by now.

  14. I want to wish you wellcome as a member of my blog "art by Catharina Engberg" Renate! It makes me very happy!

  15. Renate, so sorry to read that you haven't been feeling well. I hope you are getting better and will be back to normal quickly. Take care and get better soon!

  16. Hello Renate i,m sorry you,re no well in these moments. I,ll wait your nest painting soon, it will mean you,ll be better. Ks.

  17. Dear Renate,
    Very sorry and sad to know you're sick. Take your time and forget everything. Please do give yourself lots of indulgences and do relax. I hope your face and cheerful comments will come up soon! Take care!!
    Kind regards, Sadami
