maandag 13 februari 2012

Ponte Vecchio

Een prachtige foto van Lee Brown van A day not wasted zorgde er voor dat ik meedeed aan de februari challenge.
De foto is gemaakt in Florence, Italie en de brug in kwestie heet dus Ponte Vecchio. Halverwege kwam ik er achter dat ik wel een beetje erg veel kleur had gebruikt maar ach, in een zonnig land als Italie misstaat dat niet!

30 x 40 cm.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful sunbaked houses,the colours are lovely and warm!

  2. Ciao Renate,I'm from Tuscany.
    Il ponte vecchio is really full of color!Brava.(I today live in Lombard,but when I speak...people recognize the tuscan "accent"!).

  3. Oh love all the colors Renate, beautiful painting.

  4. I recognize 'Il Ponte Vecchio'...very good Renate, I like the colors that you used, so typically Italian. Great job.

  5. Ik wou ook zeggen dat de kleuren juist erg mooi zijn en het schilderij een warm gevoel geven!

  6. belle interpretation d'un sujet pas facile du tout .j'aime les couleurs assourdies que tu as choisi,bravo!!

  7. Hi Renate, I find your interpretation of the "Ponte Vecchio", nice and original. I would say that the colors are typically those of the cities of the center of Italy. Well done! Ciao.

  8. Gorgeous colors, Renate. I saw this challenge, but I'm not confident yet to paint it. You, however, did a beautiful job. Congrats!

  9. Hello blogfriends:) I was very surprised to read that you all liked the colors. I was afraid that it would be a little bit to much. Thank you all for your the encouraging words!

  10. I agree with the rest of the posters here Renate, love the colors you've used.

  11. Hai Erik! Thank you for your comment:)

  12. Gorgeous colours - bringing back memories of wonderful times spent in Italy xx

  13. thanks for the yupo address, that s it i have already ordered some. your "ponte vecchio" is very nice. i see that we are doing the same challenges at the moment. my painting for the rookie painter challenge is hard to finish as every time i work on it i ve got to redo the background which is all messed up. are you doing it too? is it easier in watercolor?

  14. Hai Pat:) Nice a painting can bring back memories. Me myself had a beautiful time in Italy at the Garda lake in a mobil home:)

    Hello Mico:) I've send you an e-mail!

  15. Ah, the Ponte Vecchio. A Day Not Wasted provides some wonderful resources for painters, and you have captured the feeling. The colors are warm, and you feel the texture of the old, old walls! Keep painting, I love to see your art!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and saying such lovely things!

  16. Hello Dianne:)thank you so much for your very kind comment. Everybody seems to know the Ponte Vecchio. I had never heard of it before...:)

  17. Nothing stops my girl! Like it and Italy does have lots of building colors, so this does fit in - maybe they'll see it and fix it up right as it should be right?

  18. That would be very nice:) I hope they put my name on it too!!!!
    Thank you for your lovely comment:)
