dinsdag 7 februari 2012

White is not a color

Dit schilderij is mijn resultaat van de challenge van de DPW Challenge. De bedoeling was om wit op wit te schilderen, althans, 85% van het schilderij moest wit zijn. Ik geloof niet dat ik helemaal in deze opzet geslaagd ben, maar ik ben wel heel tevreden.

24 x 32 cm.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een moeilijk opdracht, wit op wit. Ik vind dat het erg goed gelukt is, Renate!

  2. Hi Renate. What a challenging project, I think you definitely succeeded. Good job, and now your eggs are making me hungry for an omelet =)

  3. Cara Renate,complimenti per il tuo lavoro!
    Ci sono due colori, facili da usare ,che io ho scoperto con Jean Louis Morelle ed Ewa Karpinska,sono Blue Blockxs e Red Oxyde Tranparent di Rembrandt.Mescolati insieme in piccole quantità insieme all'acqua danno dei neutri bellissimi molto simili al bianco.Dove abiti questi colori si trovano facilmente,io devo ordinarli da Schleiper!Buona serata da Rita

  4. Hallo Judy! Ja, best wel moeilijk. Uiteindelijk hebben de meesten toch wel kleur gebruikt:)

    Hello Frances:) I hope your omelet tasted well! Thank you for your kind words!

    Hello Rita! Thank you so much for your tips about the two colors. I will keep it in mind and try it. I'm very curious:)

    Hello Sylviane:) Thank you for the comment. I'm happy you like it!

  5. This is fantastic Renate! You have certainly nailed this challenge!!

  6. Hello Azra:) Thank you. Afterwards a saw that the egg in the middle is a bit deformed:)

  7. Beautiful and fresh, so nice to see a painting all in blue. I like the highlights on the eggs, it really helps to define their shape. Have a nice evening!

  8. Hello Tito: (I almost forgot you) Thanks for the comment! Tot ziens!

    Hallo Jane! Thank you so much for your kind words:) Have a nice evening too!
